Groomzy Cat Grooming
in Altona Meadows
Altona - Meadows
Dear All,
Groomzy would like to share some information you may not be aware of
(7th of August 2024)
Groomzy’s main number is 0448113933. This is where you can text Nikki.
You might also get texts from another number. This is our booking system and only accepts “Y” to confirm or “N” to cancel appointments. Please don’t text anything else to that number.
We’ve tried to clear this up since 2020, but there’s still confusion. We hope this helps!
​Saturday Appointments
Reserved for long-term Saturday customers who schedule their monthly or bi-monthly appointments in advance!
​Changing Appointments on Saturdays
If you frequently change your appointments on Saturdays, I will no longer be able to offer you a Saturday slot. Instead, you will be offered a weekday appointment in the future.
Full Coat Grooming (washing and deshedding)
​Advised schedule: 4-6 weeks but you can stretch it out to 8 weeks if you comb your cat home regularly.
If you have a domestic short haired cat, please do not worry about this monthly-bimonthly schedule.
We need to be able to comb your cat’s fur all the way to the skin with a fine-tooth comb. This helps us give them a really good bath without causing mats or tangles. Combing out thick, matted fur is hard on our groomers and can be uncomfortable for your cat, sometimes even making them scared of grooming. We want to take care of your furry friend for a long time, so please stick to your grooming schedule. If you can’t, we’ll need to give your cat a short clip and bath at their next appointment.
Comb clip with/without bath
​Many of you may want just a little bit of trim.
I can do leave a 10-13-16-19-22 mm length coat on the body. I use head attachments on my machine, and they are the regular sizes all around the word. I do not shorten cats coat with scissors because I can injure them seriously.
Cat grooming is different from dog grooming.
Advised schedule:
12 weeks: 10-13 mm
8 weeks: 10-19 mm
6 weeks: 10-22 mm
To give your cat the perfect trim, their fur needs to be able to be combed all the way down to the skin with a metal comb. If it’s been a while since their last Groomzy visit (more than 3 months), we might only be able to give them a short 10mm trim. If there are any mats on their tummy, we can remove them, but it will take extra time and there’s a small extra charge. To keep things quick and easy, it’s best to bring your furry friend in for grooming regularly.
Groomzy's operating hours
​Nikki’s hours have been reduced due to physical strain. This means we’re busier during peak season (September to mid-January). To avoid long wait times, please book your next appointment in advance.
Monday: closed
Tuesday till 3pm
Wednesday till 3pm
Thursday: closed (need time to recover after 2 days)
Friday till 5pm
Saturday till 3pm
Sunday: closed
​Public holidays: closed
Matted shave down
​We haven’t offered a full shave for severely matted cats since February 2022. Matted fur can hide sore, red skin. Trying to shave through mats can hurt your cat and make them scared of grooming. Shaving all the fur off can also damage their coat. To keep your cat happy and healthy, please bring them in for regular grooming.
Thank you for understanding our position. We apologize if our message caused any concern. We appreciate your continued support.
Best, Nikki, Groomzy.