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Groomzy Cat Grooming
in Altona Meadows
Altona - Meadows
Groomzy Cat Groomer Salon
Find Groomzy online
Bookings ​
Thank you for your interest in booking with Groomzy. Currently only taking bookings and calls via referrals from existing customers.
What you have to do?
Just simply ask a referral to be sent to Nikki from existing customers of Groomzy.
The second option is you text to Nikki on 0448113933 with details who referred you to Groomzy. After that Nikki will contact you asap during working hours. ​​
Working hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays till 3 pm and Fridays till 5 pm
Closed: long weekends, public holidays
Merton Street, Altona Meadows, Vic, 3028
(Close to BigW and Central Square)
Attention: Groomzy is closed on public holidays, on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays.
ABN 66386568302
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